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修正日本語版South Oaks Gambhng Screen(SOGS)の信頼性・妥当性の検討1

心理学研究 77(6)2007年

The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS)was originally developed to screen for pathological gamblers in clinical settings, and its use has been expanded to other settings such as prevalence studies of pathological gambling in general populations. There are few studies of pathological gambling in Japan, except for the two studies on the development of the modified Japanese version of the SOGS. The present study examines the reliability and validity of the modified Japanese version of the SOGS using two different groups: a university student group(N=96)and a gambler group(N =66)。Analyses of the modified Japanese version of the SOGS showed that there was sufficient internal consistency(α=.898)and reliability. The modified Japanese version of the SOGS demonstrated satisfactory validity in differentiating the university student group from the gambler group.


行動科学 46(1)2007年

Addictive behavior is a disease in and of itself,characterized by compuision,1oss of control and continued use of drugs or other harmful substances in spite of adverse consequences (Coombs,1997:Smith&Seymour,2001). Because of these characters ,the addictive behavior causes serious problems of human's daily life Recently,the notion of addictive behaviors has extended And objects of addictive behaviors have f100dcd in present day life But it is obscure that、which addictive behavior is pathological or not l` he present study、vas to extract addiction like behaviors in the university student's life. The participants、were 79 university students(25 male and 54 female)who responded to our questionnaire The results showed that there were 14 categories of addiction like behaviors in university student's life And it、vas indicated that smoking ,drinking and idleness sleeping、were more risky behavior than other addiction like behavior categories


新井清美, 森田展彰, 大谷保和,田中紀子
日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌 51(3)2016年6月

While many Japanese nationals are considered to have problems with pachinko and pachisuro(Japanese slot machines), the factors contributing to the process by which gambling disorder is aggravated remain unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish baseline data for measures to prevent the further escalation of this gambling disorder. To elucidate the contributing factors, a self-administered questionnaire was distributed to pathological gamblers. The survey items were composed of the following: basic attributes; scores on the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS); gambling motivation; matters arising after gambling behavior; remedies for excessive gambling; the Kessler 6 (K6); the CAGE (Cut down, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye opener) questionnaire; and the 8-item Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale at Kwansei Gakuin IV (FACESKGIV-8). The results of hierarchical multiple regression analysis using SOGS scores as the dependent variable indicated that the variables determined to contribute to the aggravation of gambling addiction were age, sex, past employment experience in the service sector, obtaining money as a motivation for gambling, and seeing limits as a remedy for excessive gambling. Because gamblers tend to fixate on money and experience increasing difficulty devoting attention to other matters as gambling problems grow more serious, the results of this study suggest the need to provide environments that will enable affected individuals to reflect on their own style of gambling at the stage at which their gambling behavior begins to exceed the scope of their own revenue.


新井清美, 森田展彰,田中紀子,佐藤拓
アディクションと家族 31(2)2016年6月

自助グループ(Gamblers Anonymous:GA)に通う者、依存症回復施設に入所する病的ギャンブラー300名を対象に、ギャンブル障害の深刻化に影響する要因についての質問紙調査を実施した。176名(男性162名、女性14名)から回答が得られた。ギャンブル・借金に関する家族の状況、初めてギャンブルを経験した年齢、経験したことのあるギャンブルの種類、SOGS(the South Oaks gambling Screen:SOGS)、ギャンブル後に生じる事柄、ギャンブルをし過ぎた時の対処法などを尋ねた。ギャンブルをし過ぎた時に、男性はその責任・原因を他者に転嫁する傾向があった。SOGS得点が低い者は、ギャンブルの制限をしてギャンブルのし過ぎに対処しようとしていた。ギャンブル障害の深刻化を防ぐためには、ギャンブル障害や、それに罹患しやすい傾向に関する知識を持つことが必要であること、お金の使い方や帰宅時間等、相互に現状を把握できるような家族間のコミュニケーションが必要なことが示唆された。

Geographical accessibility to gambling venues and pathological gambling: an econometric analysis of pachinko parlours in Japan

Hirotaka Kato & Rei Goto

The relationship between geographical accessibility to gambling venues and the prevalence of pathological gambling is still unknown. This study aimed to reveal this relationship in Japan as well as its variation by subpopulation. A cross-sectional study was conducted,based on an original web-based survey to understand the level of pathological gambling depending on accessibility to pachinko parlours.
Pathological gamblers were measured using the Japanese version of the South Oaks Gambling Screen. Accessibility to gambling venues was defined as the number of pachinko parlours within a 1.5 km radius from home. Moreover, the study adopted the instrumental variable approach to solve the potential endogeneity problem. The results showed that the accessibility was not significantly associated with pathological gambling in general, but that the effects of accessibility varied by subpopulation. Accessibility was significantly and positively correlated with pathological gambling for men and people in low-income areas, but this was not so for women and people in high-income areas. The study’s findings show the importance of the neighbourhood environment and could help in implementing more effective interventions for pathological gamblers.


日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌 53(6)2018年12月

The present study aimed to examine clinical characteristics that distinguish pathological gamblers from non-pathological gamblers. To do so, we used our originally developed screening test accessed via the LINE mobile application. A total of 164 voluntary participants were recruited from Gamblers Anonymous groups in various regions in Japan. They were labeled the pathological gamblers (PG) group. Non-pathological gamblers whose age, sex, and preferred forms of gambling were consistent with the PG group were extracted from those who completed the original screening test on the website, and were set as the control. They were labeled the gambling lovers (GL) group. Responses by the PG and GL groups to the screening test were compared. Subsequent multivariate analysis demonstrated four items that differed significantly between the groups: “think about getting back money lost through gambling,” “think about spending on the next game after winning at gambling,” “hide gambling from someone,” “when gambling, do not set limits on budget or time; and even if doing so, cannot adhere to them.” Additionally, receiver operating characteristic analysis indicated that more than two or not of these four items differentiated the groups. Concurrent validity of the four items in line with the Japanese version of South Oaks Gambling Screen was established. The present findings suggest the thoughts and attitudes expressed through the four items may be primary characteristics of pathological gambling. They may also be highly useful for screening for pathological gambling.

ギャンブル問題の 1 年以上の非再発を可能にした家族員の関わりなどの要因

日本看護科学会誌 44巻 2024年

目的:ギャンブル問題の 1年以上の非再発を可能にした家族員の関わりをはじめとする要因を明らかにする。
方法:家族会員 17 名への半構造化面接の内容を質的記述的に分析した。
結果:家族員への聞き取りの結果から 11 のカテゴリが抽出された。家族支援が認知行動療法に基づき認知・行動の変容を促していることを参考に抽出されたカテゴリを 1.現実認識 2.基礎的な行動の変化3.発展的な行動の変化 4.意識の変化の 4 つのグループに整理した。
